Sagittaria latifolia Willd

Sagittaria latifolia plant
Family - Alismataceae
Stems - No info. yet.
Leaves - No info. yet.
Sagittaria latifolia leaves
Sagittaria latifolia leaves
Inflorescence - No info. yet.
Sagittaria latifolia inflorescence
Flowers - No info. yet.
Sagittaria latifolia flowers
Sagittaria latifolia sepalsSepals.
Sagittaria latifolia sepalsAgain.
Sagittaria latifolia fruitsFruits.
Flowering - June - October.
Habitat - An emergent aquatic along the margins of ponds, sloughs, ditches, slow-moving water, fens.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This species can be found scattered throughout Missouri but is absent from the farmland areas of north-central portion of the state. This is a common species in the habitats mentioned above.
Traditionally the plant was used to treat a variety of ailments. The tubers of the plant are edible and were also used in a tea to treat indigestion. A leaf tea was used to wash young children with fevers.

Photographs taken along the shores of the Current River, Shannon County, MO., 8-17-03.


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