MANINA ZANNIS: The Roots of Washington DC’s Green Roof Boom

The Roots of Washington DC’s Green Roof Boomby Guest Post October 27, 2010 By Dave Hilary Roofs are turning green all around the Washington DC area. Every year since 2005, Green Roofs for Healthy Cities (GRHC), a network of public and private organizations promoting the green roof industry, has performed ranked cities by total square footage of new green roof installations for their corporate members. And every year, Washington DC has been on the list. In 2006 DC had 301,751 square feet of green roofs, and by 2009 it was approaching two million square feet of green roofs. What’s behind this dramatic rise? GRHC points out that municipalities appearing near the top of the list, as Washington DC does in all but 2007, usually have governments that encourage green roofs through policies and programs. Those governmental efforts are also closely tied to improving water quality. According to a report by the Casey Trees Endowment Fund and Limno-Tech, Inc., DC has to vastly...